Akalain mong buhay pa ako?
Man, I really should start updating more often. Thing is, I haven't been running as much as I'd want to, hence the hiatus. Though with sembreak just around the corner (I'M NOT DONE YET WTF I KNOW RIGHT), I just might be filling this up frequently. Hopefully.
I may not have been running, but I have been kicking ass. Well, at least I've been learning how to. My dad signed my sibs and I up for a Muay Thai class, and so far the sessions have been hella awesome. I've actually tried Muay Thai before; a close friend of mine offered to teach me a few moves. Then he left for Canada. BOO! lol
So right now we're being taught a few kick-punch combinations as well as the basic iwas techniques. I swear, it's such a workout. It's super fun and I recommend you guys try it if you're after the gusto-kong-pumayat-at-ayoko-yung-boring kind o' thang. It's a stress reliever, too! Muay Thai's something you should do after a hard day at the office, a stressful day at school, or an intense fight with your significant other. I mean, you'd rather focus your aggression on punching mitts rather than your boylaloo/girlaley, right? Then again that's just me. :p
Well, I haven't been completely without running. I actually did a good 7K around UP just the other day and it felt awesome. I realized that running for me is like that favorite dessert you haven't eaten in a while: the moment you experience it again, it's heaven.
That said, starting Friday afternoon, it's run times fun times yet again. Hoo-ha!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Run For Your Life!
Wow, it's been a while. School has been eating me alive and I haven't been able to run much recently. Good thing UP is full of health buffs so runs are always advertised and supported.
After making sure that my schedule was clear for the weekend, I registered my brother and I last week for the "Run For Your Life" run that took place just last Sunday, on the 17th. Unfortunately, big bro wasn't able to join me last minute as he had work shiz to finish. Good thing my Better Half (lol how mushy am I) lives around the area, so my brother's spot wasn't put to waste.
We got to UP around 20 minutes before the race began. The usual warm-ups were taking place, as well as the usual last minute registrations. I looked for some familiar faces, maybe a number of Happy Feet people, but I wasn't able to spot anyone. I did bump into a friend though; she had already finished running and was "gate crashing" at the run. :p
The race was okay, though I did notice a number of differences in the system. First, the route was different, which was great as it was refreshing and it seemed much shorter than the other runs I've joined in UP. Or maybe that's because I ran side by side with my boyfriend all throughout. :p Also, instead of starting with the longer distances (10k before 5k before 3k), they started with the shortest distance. That worked out well, too; or maybe that's because we were one of the last ones to finish. xp Not our fault though! Okay, well, not entirely. Let's just say unexpected human hindrances got in the way. Or maybe that's just me being defensive. Haha!
See, my boyfriend (whom I shall call BH from now on - it makes for shorter type time. Haha, like it matters) has a knee condition which he got when he was in high school. I think it's called ACL? Something like that. He can't run long distances now as his kneecaps go all crazy when he does. Now the distance my brother and I signed up for was 10k, so... yeah.
The first few kilometers were going great; I'd say by the fourth kilometer we were still good. Then Mister Pain comes creeping in as we were reaching our fifth, so we had to slow down a bit. When BH felt the pain start to worsen, he decided it best to walk first. I jogged slowly beside him, as I really don't like walking when I've got my momentum going. This happened in intervals throughout the remaining lengths of the race; jog, walk, jog, walk. As we reached around three-fourths of the last 5 kilometers, we saw the water guys packing up and overheard one of them go, "eto na ba yung huli?" which the other guy replied to with "oo, sila na nga".
Then BH decides to start running.
Men. xD
So we ran the last lengths. The whole time I kept asking BH if he was okay, and he kept on saying that his knee hurt like hell. I'd ask if he wanted to walk instead, he'd go "no, let's go finish this sucker running, we're almost there anyways", so we did. Technically we weren't last; there were still around seven people behind us. :p
After passing through the finish line, BH sat and winced in pain. He couldn't bend his left knee and had a hard time standing up. I asked him why he didn't want to walk the last kilometer, he goes "una kong 10k 'to, ang pangit naman kung last pa ako, diba?"
Again, men. xD
Despite that, we were able to finish the race, and I'm proud to say (so is he, actually) that BH is a 10k virgin no more. He's recovering well now; the pain isn't as harsh as it was on Sunday. :)
So there, another run done. Hopefully we get to join other ones coming up soon, and hopefully Mister Knee Pain decides to sleep in. :p
After making sure that my schedule was clear for the weekend, I registered my brother and I last week for the "Run For Your Life" run that took place just last Sunday, on the 17th. Unfortunately, big bro wasn't able to join me last minute as he had work shiz to finish. Good thing my Better Half (lol how mushy am I) lives around the area, so my brother's spot wasn't put to waste.
We got to UP around 20 minutes before the race began. The usual warm-ups were taking place, as well as the usual last minute registrations. I looked for some familiar faces, maybe a number of Happy Feet people, but I wasn't able to spot anyone. I did bump into a friend though; she had already finished running and was "gate crashing" at the run. :p
The race was okay, though I did notice a number of differences in the system. First, the route was different, which was great as it was refreshing and it seemed much shorter than the other runs I've joined in UP. Or maybe that's because I ran side by side with my boyfriend all throughout. :p Also, instead of starting with the longer distances (10k before 5k before 3k), they started with the shortest distance. That worked out well, too; or maybe that's because we were one of the last ones to finish. xp Not our fault though! Okay, well, not entirely. Let's just say unexpected human hindrances got in the way. Or maybe that's just me being defensive. Haha!
See, my boyfriend (whom I shall call BH from now on - it makes for shorter type time. Haha, like it matters) has a knee condition which he got when he was in high school. I think it's called ACL? Something like that. He can't run long distances now as his kneecaps go all crazy when he does. Now the distance my brother and I signed up for was 10k, so... yeah.
The first few kilometers were going great; I'd say by the fourth kilometer we were still good. Then Mister Pain comes creeping in as we were reaching our fifth, so we had to slow down a bit. When BH felt the pain start to worsen, he decided it best to walk first. I jogged slowly beside him, as I really don't like walking when I've got my momentum going. This happened in intervals throughout the remaining lengths of the race; jog, walk, jog, walk. As we reached around three-fourths of the last 5 kilometers, we saw the water guys packing up and overheard one of them go, "eto na ba yung huli?" which the other guy replied to with "oo, sila na nga".
Then BH decides to start running.
Men. xD
So we ran the last lengths. The whole time I kept asking BH if he was okay, and he kept on saying that his knee hurt like hell. I'd ask if he wanted to walk instead, he'd go "no, let's go finish this sucker running, we're almost there anyways", so we did. Technically we weren't last; there were still around seven people behind us. :p
After passing through the finish line, BH sat and winced in pain. He couldn't bend his left knee and had a hard time standing up. I asked him why he didn't want to walk the last kilometer, he goes "una kong 10k 'to, ang pangit naman kung last pa ako, diba?"
Again, men. xD
Despite that, we were able to finish the race, and I'm proud to say (so is he, actually) that BH is a 10k virgin no more. He's recovering well now; the pain isn't as harsh as it was on Sunday. :)
So there, another run done. Hopefully we get to join other ones coming up soon, and hopefully Mister Knee Pain decides to sleep in. :p
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Another Sunday, another race. Our third run at UPD was a good one; pretty organized and well-facilitated. Hats off to UP JPIA! You guys did well. :)
Unlike the usual distances, this race had even numbered intervals: 2k, 6k, and 18k. The path was good and there were people with markers in various places. There was an adequate amount of water, and the technology they had at the finish line was pretty impressive. Three different lanes for the three race categories, and added refreshment bonuses to boot. Good race, good race.
I wonder, is the program they use on the computer to time people downloadable? That would be pretty awesome if were. Any ideas?
Up next, the La Salle Run happening at The Fort. Looks like I'll be skipping this one, as my body cannot handle the abuse at the moment. I have so much to do and I can't afford to sleep my Sunday off right now. I really want to join though, but I must, must, must control myself. There will always be other races, yes? So now I have more time to train. Or procrastinate. :p
BTW, has anybody heard about the earthquake prediction on the 18th? My mom (or was it my brother?) told me that this Brazilian (I think) dude who predicted 9/11 and the Thailand Tsunami also sees the Philippines going into some massive shakefest next Friday. The thought just turns my bones to mush. Hopefully that isn't true.
So there, a bit of up news and down news for perfect balance. Cheerio(s)!
Unlike the usual distances, this race had even numbered intervals: 2k, 6k, and 18k. The path was good and there were people with markers in various places. There was an adequate amount of water, and the technology they had at the finish line was pretty impressive. Three different lanes for the three race categories, and added refreshment bonuses to boot. Good race, good race.
I wonder, is the program they use on the computer to time people downloadable? That would be pretty awesome if were. Any ideas?
Up next, the La Salle Run happening at The Fort. Looks like I'll be skipping this one, as my body cannot handle the abuse at the moment. I have so much to do and I can't afford to sleep my Sunday off right now. I really want to join though, but I must, must, must control myself. There will always be other races, yes? So now I have more time to train. Or procrastinate. :p
BTW, has anybody heard about the earthquake prediction on the 18th? My mom (or was it my brother?) told me that this Brazilian (I think) dude who predicted 9/11 and the Thailand Tsunami also sees the Philippines going into some massive shakefest next Friday. The thought just turns my bones to mush. Hopefully that isn't true.
So there, a bit of up news and down news for perfect balance. Cheerio(s)!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Too Little, Too Late
So I haven't been training. I haven't been running much either. God, I really need some solid motivation. I have all these ideal scenarios in my head, but sooner or later laziness and procrastination come lurking, bite me in the ass, and leave me for dead. What to do, what to do?
Speaking of procrastination (nasty critter that it is), I have yet to sign up for the Tik-Takbo run. I didn't bother reading between the lines, so I missed out on the fact that reg is only from 6-9am until tomorrow morning. WHOOPS. I'm most definitely dealing with that tomorrow.
In other things, I want a bike. My dad lent me his racer but I think it's too big, and I have yet to have it tuned up. Monix, I'm jealous! I want a sixto of my oooown :( Except I'll name him Mr. Bike because I'm creative and original like that. Mahahahaaaa
Enough of that, I'm off to bed.
Speaking of procrastination (nasty critter that it is), I have yet to sign up for the Tik-Takbo run. I didn't bother reading between the lines, so I missed out on the fact that reg is only from 6-9am until tomorrow morning. WHOOPS. I'm most definitely dealing with that tomorrow.
In other things, I want a bike. My dad lent me his racer but I think it's too big, and I have yet to have it tuned up. Monix, I'm jealous! I want a sixto of my oooown :( Except I'll name him Mr. Bike because I'm creative and original like that. Mahahahaaaa
Enough of that, I'm off to bed.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Post Mizuno Post
So ends another morning race in Makati. I have to say, though my time has not really improved that much (but has nonetheless, yay), this has been one of my better runs, endurance-wise.
Okay, so last race's booboo was the lack of water supply throughout the race. This time around, they had an abundant supply of that, but forgot about one major detail: the finish line. I mean, personally I didn't mind that my time wasn't recorded and that I didn't place; I was even considering not running anymore as I was in pain from my newly adjusted braces. However, some people do spend days - even months - training for these things, so their times should matter especially if they plan on winning.
Once I got to the finish, I saw this long line of people slowly making their way through. I didn't bother since I thought that they were lining up for freebies or something, so I passed by the open area instead. Turns out there's only one lane for everyone - 5k, 10k, and 15k runners, so you'd have to line up to have your time recorded by the computer.
At narealize ko, nakakatakot pala ang mga hardcore racers. Haha.
I saw this one woman screaming at the computer guy, telling him off that she was supposed to be fourth place in the 15k but since she didn't pass through the line, her time wasn't recorded. As in tuma-tag team na siya ng kaibigan niya, sumisigaw ng "you suck! I'm never running your races again!" right in his ear. A lot of people were making comments as well, though not as harsh as the tag team.
I mean that may seem a bit extreme, but if I were her, I would be pissed off as well especially if I worked hard to place. Imagine, train ka ng train and you finally got to place (sa 15k no less) tapos hindi pa maka-qualify dahil palpak ang organization ng linya.
I felt bad for the organizers, really. They didn't see it coming siguro, na sabay sabay dadating mga tao. Sanay naman kasi sila sa isang linya lang, like the usual runs in UP (which they organize most of the time) that don't mess up naman and actually are pretty organized runs.
So, afraid of the aftermath, my brother and I left as soon as we finished. Though he did want to stay for a bit after I told him about what I saw, sadistic person that he is. xD
I guess this could've been a good race if not for the bad finish, but it was okay nonetheless, from an uncompetitive keri-lang-sige-lang person's (such as myself) point of view. Hopefully the organizers learn from this little oopsie.
Oh, and the singlets looked really cool. Sucks I wasn't able to get one for myself because I registered late. My consuelo de bobo: I only had to pay P50 for reg. Awoo!
Up next, UP JPIA's "Tik-Takbo:Oras Nang Tumakbo" on July 6! 2k for the kiddies (7-12 y.o.), 6k and 18k for the rest of us kids at heart. Registration fees are P100, P150 and P200 respectively. Reg is from July 1-5 at the Grandstand by the Sunken Garden. For any questions or concerns, contact:
Syd (0916-7558203/(02)915-2563)
Janell (0927-7234127/(02)749-7493)
You can also email them at tik.takbo@yahoo.com or check out their multiply at tiktakbo.multiply.com.
Wooohooooo lezgow lezgow tumakbow tayow sa diliman-yow!
Okay, so last race's booboo was the lack of water supply throughout the race. This time around, they had an abundant supply of that, but forgot about one major detail: the finish line. I mean, personally I didn't mind that my time wasn't recorded and that I didn't place; I was even considering not running anymore as I was in pain from my newly adjusted braces. However, some people do spend days - even months - training for these things, so their times should matter especially if they plan on winning.
Once I got to the finish, I saw this long line of people slowly making their way through. I didn't bother since I thought that they were lining up for freebies or something, so I passed by the open area instead. Turns out there's only one lane for everyone - 5k, 10k, and 15k runners, so you'd have to line up to have your time recorded by the computer.
At narealize ko, nakakatakot pala ang mga hardcore racers. Haha.
I saw this one woman screaming at the computer guy, telling him off that she was supposed to be fourth place in the 15k but since she didn't pass through the line, her time wasn't recorded. As in tuma-tag team na siya ng kaibigan niya, sumisigaw ng "you suck! I'm never running your races again!" right in his ear. A lot of people were making comments as well, though not as harsh as the tag team.
I mean that may seem a bit extreme, but if I were her, I would be pissed off as well especially if I worked hard to place. Imagine, train ka ng train and you finally got to place (sa 15k no less) tapos hindi pa maka-qualify dahil palpak ang organization ng linya.
I felt bad for the organizers, really. They didn't see it coming siguro, na sabay sabay dadating mga tao. Sanay naman kasi sila sa isang linya lang, like the usual runs in UP (which they organize most of the time) that don't mess up naman and actually are pretty organized runs.
So, afraid of the aftermath, my brother and I left as soon as we finished. Though he did want to stay for a bit after I told him about what I saw, sadistic person that he is. xD
I guess this could've been a good race if not for the bad finish, but it was okay nonetheless, from an uncompetitive keri-lang-sige-lang person's (such as myself) point of view. Hopefully the organizers learn from this little oopsie.
Oh, and the singlets looked really cool. Sucks I wasn't able to get one for myself because I registered late. My consuelo de bobo: I only had to pay P50 for reg. Awoo!
Up next, UP JPIA's "Tik-Takbo:Oras Nang Tumakbo" on July 6! 2k for the kiddies (7-12 y.o.), 6k and 18k for the rest of us kids at heart. Registration fees are P100, P150 and P200 respectively. Reg is from July 1-5 at the Grandstand by the Sunken Garden. For any questions or concerns, contact:
Syd (0916-7558203/(02)915-2563)
Janell (0927-7234127/(02)749-7493)
You can also email them at tik.takbo@yahoo.com or check out their multiply at tiktakbo.multiply.com.
Wooohooooo lezgow lezgow tumakbow tayow sa diliman-yow!
Saturday, June 7, 2008

29 June 2008, Sunday
Start/Finish (BHS) The Fort Global City, Taguig (near NBC Tent).
Assembly: 5:00 AM
Start of Race: 5:30 AM
Late Registration – June 21 to June 28.
On-site Registration – June 29, 4am to 5:00am
MIZUNO STORES, Bonifacio High Street
T: +632 856 1432
From 1:00pm to 10:00pm
- Php 150.00 - Old participants (registered during the March 30, 2008 Mizuno Infinity Run).Pls. bring ID or Bib number
- Php 200.00 - New participants
- Php 250.00 - Late registration (June 21 onwards)
- Php 300.00 - On-site registration
*Get a Php50 discount when you buy a bottle of Rush from Mini Stop or 7-eleven and present a receipt upon registration. (Same discount applies regardless of the number of bottles purchased.)
Participants may claim their Race Kits (containing the official race number, safety pins and route map) upon completion of their registration.
Registration (new singlets will be given on a first come first serve basis)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
And so it begins
Finally, I was able to wake up early enough to finish a decent 5k around our village's grandstand. I got up around 5:40 this morning (sorry Monix! Di kita naabutan ahuhu nektaym promise) and did my round of stretches, then went about waking up my dad and two siblings which actually was a workout in itself. Big brother opted to sleep in, while my dad and sister took a good twenty minutes getting out of bed.
My dad and I went ahead as my sister was still a bit stoned from sleeping too late (poor thing). We walked from home to the grandstand, which I think is roughly... I honestly don't know. Let's say 1.5k for the sake of measurement. It was a good thing since it served as our warm up and at the same time, I was able to bond with my dad. Little sister followed by car after a few minutes.
The whole round is about 1000meters, and my dad told me that I should time my first three rounds (roughly over two miles) as basis. Fast runners usually get 12 minutes tops while others have times playing around 17 to 19 minutes at most, he said. So I did my rounds and got a time of 21 minutes. BLAH.
I did two rounds more and sprinted an additional half round, then cooled down by walking back home with my dad and sister.
I don't really know how to train, so I just run. I know there's supposed to be some kind of daily routine for these things but I don't exactly know what. I think I should start asking people. For now, I'm thinking of adding an additional kilometer (or rounds, whichever) per day or every other day, so tomorrow morning it's 6k/another two rounds for me.
I'm planning on doing extra workouts this afternoon at the gym, mostly core and weights. That is, if I'm not yet worn out from enlisting later. Ah, UP. Gotta love it.
My dad and I went ahead as my sister was still a bit stoned from sleeping too late (poor thing). We walked from home to the grandstand, which I think is roughly... I honestly don't know. Let's say 1.5k for the sake of measurement. It was a good thing since it served as our warm up and at the same time, I was able to bond with my dad. Little sister followed by car after a few minutes.
The whole round is about 1000meters, and my dad told me that I should time my first three rounds (roughly over two miles) as basis. Fast runners usually get 12 minutes tops while others have times playing around 17 to 19 minutes at most, he said. So I did my rounds and got a time of 21 minutes. BLAH.
I did two rounds more and sprinted an additional half round, then cooled down by walking back home with my dad and sister.
I don't really know how to train, so I just run. I know there's supposed to be some kind of daily routine for these things but I don't exactly know what. I think I should start asking people. For now, I'm thinking of adding an additional kilometer (or rounds, whichever) per day or every other day, so tomorrow morning it's 6k/another two rounds for me.
I'm planning on doing extra workouts this afternoon at the gym, mostly core and weights. That is, if I'm not yet worn out from enlisting later. Ah, UP. Gotta love it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Something to keep me motivated
I figured that keeping a separate blog dedicated to running is just what I need to keep me going, so here goes.
Ready, set, go!
Ready, set, go!
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