I can honestly apply this to almost every aspect of my life right now. Oh, God. You and Your perfect timing, using Facebook to reach out to Your people. If you can't beam 'em, join 'em, eh?
So, instead of writing about this week's Insanity workout - which is far from boring in real life but yawn-worthy when talked about - I've decided to list down a number of "routines" I have since started. Also, snaps for my pseudo-sister Pixie and little sister Maia for joining me this week! Pat yourselves on the back (if you still can), girls.
First on the list: Fitness! This used to be a habit of mine back in High School. I was either swimming, playing volleyball, or running everyday after class. I began to lose touch with my healthy side when I was introduced to many sleepless nights (either studying or out drinking) in college. Though I was part of the UP Varsity Swim Team, I didn't train as often. Eventually, I stopped working out regularly altogether and focused more on getting my degree. However, I did manage to sneak in a run around our academic oval a few nights a week. I even started this blog back to help me get back on track, to no avail.Sooo, I've decided to put my I'm-too-lazy attitude aside and get serious. My 30-60 minute/day workout plan seems to be going pretty well; I really do hope this keeps up. Also, I'm finally starting to regularly update this blog; we'll see how far this goes. Aaaand nope, still haven't weighed myself (lol) but I'm giving myself a week to mentally prepare before I get on that scale. I will in a week, I promise!
Honestly, I'm not really the forgiving type. I mean, I do forgive, but I tend to hold grudges like teenagers holding on to their smart phones: I have a hard time letting go. Okay so that didn't sound too good but you get the point.
I guess it's because I've forgiven too many people in the past, people who eventually take me for granted since I'm "too nice." I acknowledge that it's my fault, too, as I'd rather avoid conflict and I just tend to let things pass. I've started to change the past few years and I guess people aren't that used to me fighting back. A lot of my close relationships have fallen apart and it sucks, really. You're suddenly the bad guy just because you've started standing up for yourself, trying to make them realize that you're worth more than how they treat you.
But, I've also learned that you can't change how people are. If they're innately indifferent, what can you do? It's either you suck it up for the sake of saving the relationship, or just let it go. Forgive them for whatever wrong they've done you and never look back. Sure, you can still keep a good relationship, but make sure you keep your distance just so you can show them that you're not someone they can just throw around and use when convenient.
Truly forgiving is really hard to do, I've realized. It's one thing to go, "It's no problem at all, forget about it" and another to really mean it. It's a process I'm still trying to get the hang of, really. Though I've made it a point to practice forgiveness everyday, not only with other people but also with myself.
I have this very bad habit of always putting myself down, from judging my choice of outfits to doubting my intelligence in med school. I bet I'm not the only one; I'm sure everyone has their own insecurities. However, I've realized that not believing in myself may affect me on a professional level, since being a doctor does require a significant amount of confidence. The daily workouts are helping boost my ego, so that's a good start. This blog is good practice, too! I'm sure I get critics, especially on how I write and basically why I'm blogging in general, but I try not to think about it. Also, my fiancé tells me he loves me everyday so that helps a lot, too. Hahaha! Kidding aside, it's a process, and I'm really, really working on it. :)
And there you have it! All these self-realizations from one pop-up app that sends the most random, albeit timely messages.
Have a good night, folks!
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